Senor Accountant
Mariah joined Feniks & Company in 2014 as an intern working on her accounting degree at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF). While attending UAF, Mariah explored a variety of career paths. Interested in the outdoors and science, her initial plan was to study geology. She soon discovered cultural and linguistic anthropology, and enjoyed sharing her home state of Alaska with visitors while working at the University of Alaska Museum of the North. She ultimately settled on accounting, earning the UAF Accounting Department’s Outstanding Student of the Year Award and graduating magna cum laude in 2015. She received her Alaska CPA license in 2018.
In the fall of 2019, Mariah moved to Northern Colorado where she continues to work for Feniks & Company remotely. She received her Colorado CPA license in 2020. She is a member of the Alaska Society of CPAs and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and enjoys participating in local and national conferences on the profession.
Mariah enjoys traveling, playing board games with friends and family, and creating art — from painting and drawing to crafts, mixed media, and music. Spending time in nature is also important to her and her family. She has backpacked through the Chugach, kayaked through Prince William Sound, and in 2021 she summited Mt. Bierstadt, her first Colorado mountain peak over 14,000 ft, along with her parents, her partner, and her chihuahua of adventure, Rhubarb. Rhubarb also has a titled position at Feniks & Company: Field Research Assistant to the CEFC.